Renumber Parking Spaces

Renumbers all the Parking Spaces on the project

The Renumber Parking Spaces Command operates on the Levels and Types of Parking Spaces

Numbering Order: Indicates if the command will start numbering by top (higher) Levels: Upwards or bottom (lower) Levels: Downwards of the project.

Level Options:

Independent numbering by level: Indicates if each Level will receive its own numbering sequence or it will be continuous throughout all Levels.

  • Name: Name of the Level.

  • Use: Indicates if Parking Spaces contained in this Level will be renumbered.

  • Prefix: In case of Independent numbering, a prefix should be applied to each Level, otherwise an warning "Elements have duplicate 'Mark' values" will pop up after applying the numbering:

Type Options: With this, you can restrict the types of Parking Spaces to be renumbered.

  • Name: Name of the type

  • Use: Indicates if instances of this type will be renumbered.

  • Prefix: For instance: D for Disabled and so on.

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